Name: bugreport
Description: Submit a bug report with or without an attachment. Please use double quotes around the bug title and bug description to ensure accurate reporting.
Example: !bugreport "Bug Title" "This is what I was doing when the bug happened."
Usage: !bugreport "Bug Title" "Bug Description"
Cooldown: 60 seconds(s)
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
pcp8206-Jul-20 02:59 AM
it’s not done / finished yet @MotorBot
if it gives an error you haven’t linked your account yet
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)06-Jul-20 04:39 PM
MotorBotBOT06-Jul-20 04:39 PM
@an avg lh64 (very irrelevant), Please wait 58.7 more second(s) before reusing the todo command.
@Blakiemon, Please wait 86389.5 more second(s) before reusing the freestuff command.
Adamm | Elite Kings08-Jul-20 12:28 PM
Does it still not do anything?
pcp8208-Jul-20 12:51 PM
MotorBotBOT08-Jul-20 12:51 PM
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
pcp8208-Jul-20 12:52 PM
oh still on the list -> NO it doesn’t
except telling u your account is linked correctly @Adamm | Elite Kings
Name: leaderboard
Description: Get the global leaderboard top 50.
Cooldown: 60 seconds(s)
Hybrid09-Jul-20 07:10 AM
MotorBotBOT09-Jul-20 07:10 AM
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
Hybrid09-Jul-20 07:10 AM
!playerinfo Hybrid
MotorBotBOT09-Jul-20 07:10 AM
Brett's first name is Brett.
Hybrid09-Jul-20 07:11 AM
!help brettfact
MotorBotBOT09-Jul-20 07:11 AM
Name: brettfact
Description: Learn something about Brett!
Cooldown: 5 seconds(s)
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
pcp8229-Jul-20 10:51 AM
MotorBotBOT29-Jul-20 10:51 AM
Season 13 will end in 0 day(s), 23 hour(s), 8 minute(s), and 36 second(s)!
Yeah that would work but I want to be self sufficient!!’
Adamm | Elite Kings01-Aug-20 10:58 AM
Idk then
Get a new keyboard
Big Boss01-Aug-20 10:59 AM
No you
Pre-Alpha Master, FireBleba1801-Aug-20 11:00 AM
Android keyboard?
Big Boss01-Aug-20 11:01 AM
I’m iOS
Pre-Alpha Master, FireBleba1801-Aug-20 11:01 AM
That's probably why then, I automatically get the good quotes
Big Boss01-Aug-20 11:02 AM
you Android lover you
pcp8201-Aug-20 11:02 AM
hold the quotes key - choose the last ones - they look very not curly
it’s the std for US keyboards and programming
Big Boss01-Aug-20 11:02 AM
Oooo I see it now
!player "Big Boss"
MotorBotBOT01-Aug-20 11:02 AM
Display Name: Big Boss
Level: 1
Skill Points:
• Speed: 1
• Boost: 1
• Acceleration: 1
• Control: 1
Trophies: 0
Country: CA
pcp8201-Aug-20 11:02 AM
so yes default for IT
Pre-Alpha Master, FireBleba1801-Aug-20 11:02 AM
Oh, that's cool!
Big Boss01-Aug-20 11:03 AM
Good bot
pcp8201-Aug-20 11:03 AM
NoodleyBrett01-Aug-20 11:06 AM
guess i gonna tune up Motorbot here
MotorBotBOT01-Aug-20 11:06 AM
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
NoodleyBrett01-Aug-20 11:06 AM
pcp8201-Aug-20 11:09 AM
definitely - any way to deal will players with same name would also be nice
also the answer abt finding discord user ids based on their tag aren't very clear
pcp8203-Aug-20 01:47 PM
i think there’s just a table somewhere that links your GS ID to your discord ID - lemme DM you the !linkstatus response ... that’s basically the way it should be done
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
@ NoodleyBrett#1889 why are some (21-47) italic in the leaderboard ... something messes with the discord formatting ... gotta clean/wash them names ... else i might have some funny ideas for commands -ahem names- the bot to execute ... as it has certain permissions(edited)
Name: player
Description: Get player details.
Cooldown: 5 seconds(s)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 07:49 AM
!help leaderboard
MotorBotBOT29-Aug-20 07:49 AM
Name: leaderboard
Description: Get the global leaderboard top 50.
Cooldown: 60 seconds(s)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 07:50 AM
!help buglist
MotorBotBOT29-Aug-20 07:50 AM
Name: buglist
Description: List all the bugs in the community reported bug list.
Cooldown: 600 seconds(s)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 07:50 AM
!help bugreport
MotorBotBOT29-Aug-20 07:50 AM
Name: bugreport
Description: Submit a bug report with or without an attachment. Please use double quotes around the bug title and bug description to ensure accurate reporting.
Example: !bugreport "Bug Title" "This is what I was doing when the bug happened."
Usage: !bugreport "Bug Title" "Bug Description"
Cooldown: 60 seconds(s)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 07:50 AM
does this command split messages into chunks after they become more than 2000 characters long
I can anticipate this command just flat out failing soon otherwise bc discord will block the message(edited)
you can use the bugreport feature to essentially echo text
@Blakiemon maybe you would find that interesting
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 09:19 AM
!help bugreport
MotorBotBOT29-Aug-20 09:19 AM
Name: bugreport
Description: Submit a bug report with or without an attachment. Please use double quotes around the bug title and bug description to ensure accurate reporting.
Example: !bugreport "Bug Title" "This is what I was doing when the bug happened."
Usage: !bugreport "Bug Title" "Bug Description"
Cooldown: 60 seconds(s)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 09:20 AM
Blakiemon29-Aug-20 09:25 AM
MotorBotBOT29-Aug-20 01:51 PM
Name: help
Aliases: commands, list
Description: List all commands or info about a specific command.
Usage: !help [command name]
Cooldown: 5 seconds(s)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 01:51 PM
!help help
!help ,
MotorBotBOT29-Aug-20 01:51 PM
@an avg lh64 (very irrelevant), That is not a valid command.
@Blakiemon, please report any bugs in #bug-reports!
Blakiemon29-Aug-20 08:49 PM
!help bugreport
MotorBotBOT29-Aug-20 08:49 PM
Name: bugreport
Description: Submit a bug report with or without an attachment. Please use double quotes around the bug title and bug description to ensure accurate reporting.
Example: !bugreport "Bug Title" "This is what I was doing when the bug happened."
Usage: !bugreport "Bug Title" "Bug Description"
Cooldown: 60 seconds(s)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)29-Aug-20 09:22 PM
pcp8230-Aug-20 04:50 AM
MotorBotBOT30-Aug-20 04:50 AM
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
pcp8230-Aug-20 04:50 AM
things not done / ready yet @an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)@Blakiemon
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)30-Aug-20 06:31 AM
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)30-Aug-20 12:05 PM
I'm guessing this account is a bot of some sort
Blakiemon30-Aug-20 12:05 PM
lol yeah
for sure(edited)
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)30-Aug-20 12:06 PM
I got a very random friend req
just wanted to see if the account would respond to mass pings
Blakiemon30-Aug-20 12:06 PM
wait wait wait
hold on
not a bot
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)30-Aug-20 12:06 PM
Blakiemon30-Aug-20 12:06 PM
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)30-Aug-20 12:06 PM
LOL rip that person
Blakiemon30-Aug-20 12:06 PM
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)30-Aug-20 12:06 PM
oh well
hopefully this person can explain then
did u get a friend req too
I'm very confused
there is only 1 message from this user...
seems sketchy
pcp8230-Aug-20 01:30 PM
lol you make yourself look like a bot - is this a thing that the bad boys respond to mass pings?
There's only a few hours left so I'd rather not risk risk
pcp8203-Sep-20 06:41 AM
it’s so sad
Adamm | Elite Kings03-Sep-20 06:41 AM
Pls no
I don't wanna have to play nitro
pcp8203-Sep-20 06:41 AM
it’s not fair if people play in different pools and get shown on the same leaderboard(edited)
すろう03-Sep-20 06:42 AM
I want to play everyone(edited)
Adamm | Elite Kings03-Sep-20 06:42 AM
I don't want to play anyone
pcp8203-Sep-20 06:42 AM
delete the app
Adamm | Elite Kings03-Sep-20 06:42 AM
That's a good point
pcp8203-Sep-20 06:43 AM
and again i’m discussing in a non-appropriate channel - LOL
i’m gonna catch a warning once BB sees this
Adamm | Elite Kings03-Sep-20 06:44 AM
Wdym, this is the right channel for general mb chat right?
pcp8203-Sep-20 06:44 AM
at least for me it is
my favourite channel
Adamm | Elite Kings03-Sep-20 06:44 AM
Me too
pcp8203-Sep-20 06:46 AM
Hey guys. Please try to keep this chat at least somewhat GB - ahem - MB related! I do want to put an emphasis on the #off-topic channel for discussions like these.
lol my std copy and paste text for an other server
I don’t want to grind tomorrow so no one pass me, thanks
Deleted User16-Sep-20 07:12 PM
You should be good but watch out for @Ed_Bidder and @erik ....solid players who could make a push. Honorable mention to @Shuppet , @Cory , @worstever , and @Dinotoba
AgentA416-Sep-20 07:15 PM
I’m worried about Erik, Dinotoba, and Ed, very strong players
Shuppet16-Sep-20 07:27 PM
I’m probably gonna stay where I am I don’t want to go all the way back to 800 lol
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
@pcp82, Please wait 83367.3 more second(s) before reusing the freestuff command.
pcp8229-Oct-20 03:15 PM
MotorBotBOT29-Oct-20 03:15 PM
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
pcp8229-Oct-20 03:15 PM
ok cya later @MotorBot
maxpowerjr29-Oct-20 03:21 PM
MotorBotBOT29-Oct-20 03:21 PM
@maxpowerjr, Please wait 73585.9 more second(s) before reusing the freestuff command.
@maxpowerjr you do realize everyone has the same stats
Bla00530-Oct-20 11:49 AM
Nolan 29730-Oct-20 11:53 AM
MotorBotBOT30-Oct-20 11:53 AM
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.
Nolan 29730-Oct-20 11:53 AM
MotorBotBOT30-Oct-20 11:53 AM
@Nolan 297, Error executing command!
@maxpowerjr, You're not my dad!
maxpowerjr30-Oct-20 11:54 AM
!roleassign @522131879219167233
Bla00530-Oct-20 01:27 PM
Jabir BM YT31-Oct-20 02:29 AM
MotorBotBOT31-Oct-20 02:29 AM
@Jabir BM YT, Please wait 16613.4 more second(s) before reusing the freestuff command.
@Jabir BM YT, You're not my dad!
Jabir BM YT31-Oct-20 02:31 AM
!roleassign @Jabir BM YT
jumpowey31-Oct-20 07:14 AM
Jabir BM YT31-Oct-20 10:28 AM
jumpowey31-Oct-20 10:56 AM
!roleassign @jumpowey
MotorBotBOT31-Oct-20 10:56 AM
@jumpowey, You're not my dad!
eyasyasir31-Oct-20 12:26 PM
Bla00531-Oct-20 01:57 PM
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)31-Oct-20 04:44 PM
MotorBotBOT31-Oct-20 04:44 PM
@an avg lh64 (very irrelevant), It seems like I can't DM you! Please enable DMs!
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)31-Oct-20 04:45 PM
why does it have to dm me this though
i just wanted to have only my friends dm me now
and well
obviously this bot wont accept my requests
the bot isnt usable with that setting then
its not unreasonable to have that setting
it's a normal discord feature
NoodleyBrett31-Oct-20 05:21 PM
@an avg lh64 (very irrelevant) cuz its my first bot and I don't know what i am doing
an avg lh64 (very irrelevant)31-Oct-20 05:22 PM
Blakiemon31-Oct-20 05:22 PM
Dang you working on a Saturday?
NoodleyBrett31-Oct-20 05:24 PM
a lil bit
I also haven’t touched the bot since before launch so sorry it’s so bad
oh yeah I remember now. you used to constantly scare me to death whenever we matched lol
Nobody...23-Nov-20 02:05 PM
!player GamingSpiral
Delliu23-Nov-20 02:09 PM
!player @Nobody...
accounts not linked(edited)
Nobody...23-Nov-20 04:23 PM
How do I link
Delliu23-Nov-20 04:26 PM
@Nobody... open up the game, go to settings scroll to the bottom and you should see a button that says link discord. you click that button and than sign in and you should be good to go
Name: leaderboard
Description: Get the global leaderboard top 50.
Cooldown: 60 seconds(s)
Checkmate29-Nov-20 06:58 AM
Deleted User29-Nov-20 07:00 AM
Checkmate29-Nov-20 07:28 AM
Thanks @Deleted User, do u have them all? If so can you dm them to me?
Deleted User29-Nov-20 09:01 AM
I kept track for the 1st few seasons. Now I just search Season X.
A weird one to search is season 10
Checkmate29-Nov-20 09:28 AM
Yeah I was just looking for each season’s winner to update the @Motor Master role. But it turns out most just aren’t around anymore. I did get Risk updated though.
Deleted User29-Nov-20 10:37 AM
Sad but true, hopefully that’ll start to change.
Nolan 29729-Nov-20 10:47 AM
@Checkmate Lmao those leaderboards arent right. I was top 3000 szn 1 not top 10
Here's a list of all my commands:
You can send !help [command name] to get information on a specific command!
!roleassign - Brett assigns you a role.
!freestuff - Roll some dice and win free stuff.
!namereport - Report a player name with attachment. Automatically deleted.