I saw it on this channel, but it seems that Japanese are matched only because the server is divided ... (if my interpretation is correct)
Google translation
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:13 AM
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:14 AM
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:15 AM
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:15 AM
しょーいち10-Aug-20 02:16 AM
No problem
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:16 AM
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:18 AM
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:20 AM
しょーいち10-Aug-20 02:20 AM
ジェズス is Jesus?
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:20 AM
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:25 AM
Some of the symbols look very similar to each other, do people ever mix them up and mistake them for different words?
Or is everyone who speeks Japanese just used to it(edited)
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:26 AM
It's similar to english really
how often do you get m, n, and h mixed up?
Or how about a and e (depending on the font)
i and j must be a killer
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:27 AM
I guess, but doesn't Japanese use a single symbol for entire words?
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:28 AM
But not usually
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:28 AM
Sometimes you can mistake individual letters, but you can usually make sense from the rest of the word/sentence, Japanese is probably the same..?
Oh really?
I thought like every word was an individual symbol :/(edited)
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:29 AM
Yeah, it's weird like that
nah that's chinese
It'd be like if english was mostly made of lettered words but then some words had pictures instead, but only at the root word
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:30 AM
Ah ok
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:30 AM
So instead of draw, drawn and drawing you could have ️ ,️ n, and ️ ing
Adamm | Elite Kings10-Aug-20 02:31 AM
Oh ok, that actually makes a lot of sense lol
Barbecue Sauce10-Aug-20 02:31 AM
And the way I explained it just then makes it seem like the pictures came in second but it was actualy just pictures until the japanese figured out that that system sucked for their language